
Showing all 12 results

Car Show

For All Our Car Enthusiasts! Marysville Strawberry Festival Car Show.

Registration Fee –

$25 before June 8th
$40 after June 8th, if space available

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Sponsor Marysville Strawberry Festival

Event Sponsorship

Every dollar needed to operate and produce the Marysville Strawberry Festival comes directly from local support through sponsorships, donations, operating revenue and local grants.

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Marysville Festival Membership-1

Festival Membership

Join the Business Members to the Marysville Strawberry Festival. This group of businesses deserves a special thank you for caring about the community they live in. Please help make this year’s festival stronger then ever.

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Marysville Grand Parade

Grand Parade

Nothing tops off the festival better than the dazzling sights and sounds of the Twlight Grand Parade. Come be a part of the revelry.

Marysville Strawberry Festival must receive applications by May 31st. Any late entry MUST be approved and a $50.00 late fee will be added.

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Strawberry Festival market commercial vendors

Market Commercial Vendors

For commercial vendors. Thank you for your interest in the Marysville Strawberry Festival Market. Find out the details and start the process of reserving your space and getting set up to sell your commercial wares to festival-goers.

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Strawberry Festival market craft vendors

Market Craft Vendors

Thank you for your interest in the Marysville Strawberry Festival Market. Find out the details and start the process of reserving your space and getting set up to sell your crafts to festival-goers.

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Strawberry Festival market food vendors

Market Food Vendors

For food vendors. Thank you for your interest in the Marysville Strawberry Festival Market. Find out the details and start the process of reserving your space and getting set up to sell your food to festival-goers.

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Market Rules and Regulations

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Marysville Parade street vendor

Parade Street Vendor

Parade Street Vendor Application for the Marysville Twilight Grand Parade. If you are a street vendor looking for a parade then we want you. Please add to cart and lets get started.

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Strawberry Shortcake Eating Contest

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Trike Race Entry Form

This year marks the exciting return of Adult Trike Races to the Strawberry Festival. Come and enjoy all the three-wheeled hijinx at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 19th.

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VIP Hospitality

We cordially invite you to join us for the NW Hosting Hospitality Weekend June 20-22. We look forward to you joining us and enjoying the 93rd Annual Marysville Strawberry Festival!

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